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Do you ever feel swept away by the current of daily life, unsure of where you're headed? "Conversations With Yourself" offers a lifeline, a chance to step off the treadmill and engage in a critical yet enriching conversation: the one with yourself.

Mental health professionals and religious sages tell us that self-reflection is a cornerstone of well-being. The constant busyness often leaves our inner voice unheard. This journal, guided by the evocative paintings of Michael Ong, provides a safe space for introspection. The artwork serves as a prompt, bypassing the logical mind and triggering deeper emotions and memories. These, in turn, can be explored through carefully crafted prompts, fostering a richer self-discovery process.


Self-reflection isn't always easy. We may hesitate to confront the "darkness" within – our hidden fears, doubts, and past hurts. However, "Conversations With Myself" encourages us to delve into these shadows. Michael believes that within the darkness lie hidden gems: untapped strengths, buried insights, and a path to a more authentic self.


Embrace the pause. Turn the page and embark on a journey of self-discovery, one conversation at a time.  

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This is the incredible account of the journey it took for a social venture called Tea Talk Café to shift from dream to reality. Step into the story of Michael Ong, a social worker from Singapore living in Hanoi for over 16 years, and discover with him the beauty and wonder of Vietnam and her people, while also experiencing with him the challenges of starting up a social enterprise in a foreign land. Open this book, and find the window of your heart opened to a new culture and perspective. Turn the pages, and get a front row seat to the twists and turns on the sometimes difficult path Michael and his family have chosen. Read on, and see that not only does this book contain Michael’s moving story, but more than that, stories of the people who have been inspired by the work that Tea Talk is doing. Finally, get ready to enter the narrative yourself. If you have yet to walk through the doors of Tea Talk, where so many lives have been changed, then let this be your opportunity to have the doors opened to you, with the fragrances of faith, hope, and love touching your nose and inviting you to be the next in line to “express your soul.”

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这是一个令人难以置信的故事,讲述了一家名为 Tea Talk Café 的社会企业从梦想转变为现实的历程。走进新加坡社会工作者 Michael Ong 在河内生活超过 16 年的故事,与他一起发现越南及其人民的美丽与奇迹,同时也与他一起经历在越南创办社会企业的挑战。异乡。打开这本书,你会发现你的心窗打开了新的文化和视角。翻开书页,坐在前排,见证迈克尔和他的家人选择的有时艰难的道路上的曲折。继续读下去,你会发现这本书不仅包含迈克尔的感人故事,还包含那些受到 Tea Talk 所做工作启发的人们的故事。最后,准备好自己进入叙述。如果你还没有走进茶话会的大门,那里已经改变了很多人的生活,那么就让这成为你的机会,让大门向你敞开,信仰、希望和爱的芬芳触碰你的鼻子,诱人的。你将成为下一个“表达你的灵魂”的人。

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